It is that time of year again. Back to school.
I have a very interesting job. I work in fund raising and the majority of my clients in the fall are public middle schools. I get to the school very early in the morning do my set up and then usually give 2 or 3 presentations covering all the grades in the school. The students learn about the fund raiser and the rewards they earn.
But, that's not what this is about. This morning I was making my way through a group of teenagers in 7th and 8th grade. The smell of smoke was INTENSE! No, these kids are not smoking. THEIR PARENTS ARE. Come on people. You rant and rave about sex and drugs and violence and vacinating your little girls against HPV but you don't think twice about lighting up and smoking while you drive them to school. Are you stupid?
It wasn't until I moved out of my parents home until I realized how horrible my clothes smelled while I lived there. Then deeper realization set in. I smelled like that all my life.
Forget the smell. WHAT ABOUT MY HEALTH! I love my mother with all my heart and soul. She died on June 22nd, 2008 from lung cancer. Yes, she smoked for nearly 60 years. No I am not angry with her.
With all we know about smoking and lung cancer and all the other horrible diseases we can get from smoking why don't you just quit. Don't whine about how hard it is. I know. I quit too. What's worse, quitting smoking or lying in a fucking hospital bed wondering why you are still alive becasue you are so sick and so weak.
QUIT QUIT QUIT because from what I saw with my Mom you don't want to die this way. Trust me your kids don't want to see it either.
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